Fabulous Porcelain Veneers correct a range of cosmetic imperfections

This popular and coveted cosmetic treatment requires the extensive technical and artistic skills of a professional like Dr. Mark Martindale, and it also requires considerable customization and personalization.  Being that patients are at the center of all we do at Martindale Family Dentistry in Griffin, Georgia. Porcelain veneers embody a familial approach to cosmetic dentistry. No stone is left unturned in the design of your veneers.

Veneers explained

Veneers are covers that are placed over the front surfaces of the teeth. As the name suggests, porcelain veneers are made from a type of dental ceramic known as dental porcelain. They are an “indirect veneer,” because the veneer is made in a lab and later fixed securely to the natural tooth. “Direct veneers” are more commonly known as dental bonding. They are made from a type of resin (plastic) that is blended with glass-like particles. This composite resin material is applied to the front surfaces of the teeth as a putty. Your dentist then shapes it to cover up flaws. Lastly, the material is bonded or fixed to each tooth.

Both indirect and direct veneers can be used to disguise a range of cosmetic imperfections, including:

  • Stubborn discoloration, which resists professional teeth whitening methods
  • Chips
  • Small fractures
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Worn-down or “short” teeth
  • Shape-related irregularities

If we determine that porcelain veneers are an appropriate option for you, the natural tooth is slightly “prepared.” What this means is we will reduce a small amount of tooth enamel. By subtly reducing the tooth, it can best accommodate the thickness of the veneer placed on top of the natural tooth. That way, the veneer optimally replicates the natural tooth enamel’s appearance, feel, function, and strength. We will also work with you to choose the best color or shade for your veneer.

Dr. Martindale will collect information about the teeth that are to be veneered. A temporary or provisional veneer may be placed to protect and restore the prepared tooth while the permanent veneer is being made to your exact specifications by our lab partner. Once the veneer is ready, you will return to our office. Dr. Martindale checks the fit of the permanent and makes adjustments as needed before cementing it into place. 

Porcelain veneers have many advantages; partly, they “mimic” the properties of tooth enamel well. They are highly durable and stain-resistant. No single treatment is universally appropriate for all patients. Call us today at 770-637-5876 to schedule your veneers consultation.
