A guide to discrete, easy teeth straightening with Clear Aligners

At Martindale Family Dentistry, patients’ experience, comfort, convenience, safety, and satisfaction is at the center of everything we do. Advanced orthodontic treatment options such as clear teeth aligners are a great fit with this patient-centric philosophy.


SureSmile straightens teeth with a series of transparent oral appliances. These appliances or “trays” slip into the mouth and over your teeth. They are customized for you; therefore, they are comfortable and will effectively straighten your teeth throughout treatment. These trays work by placing gentle force consistently on the teeth to reposition them incrementally. Since they are made from smooth, advanced plastic, they don’t rub up against the inside of your mouth like wires, brackets, or bands. 

Furthermore, you can remove them for enjoyable eating and effective toothbrushing and flossing. These hassle-free properties mean there is little to no adjustment period. Trays can also be cleaned and kept fresh and stain-free easily.  

During a consultation scheduled at our office, Dr. Martindale can show you how your teeth will look throughout treatment and at the end of treatment. Using sophisticated diagnostics, he creates a realistic model of your mouth that can be used to simulate the straightening process. Information that is collected about your mouth is also used to make the trays. Wear them as directed each day by your dentist, usually for at least 20 to 22 hours. 

Inman Aligner?

This system represents a “twist” on clear aligners such as SureSmile. Like other aligners, Inman Aligner trays are made from transparent, smooth, advanced, and safe plastic. They use low force to reposition teeth gently, consistently, and incrementally. They can also be removed when eating meals and before cleaning the teeth and gums. However, unlike other techniques, the Inman Aligner only straightens teeth in the “smile zone,” or those teeth that are visible when you smile. Additionally, it is designed with specialized coil springs that are made from nickel-titanium. These springs’ apply the low forces needed to move teeth into healthy and proper placement painlessly. 

This innovative and one-of-a-kind design can facilitate such a wide range of movements that the Inman Aligner may be prescribed to correct numerous conditions in as little as six weeks.  

Both systems may be appropriate for crowded, overlapped, and otherwise unevenly-spaced teeth as well as for many “bite” problems. To discover more about each of these treatments, schedule your consultation at our practice in Griffin, GA. Call us at 770-637-5876.
